At St. Therese’s School, our Catholic identity permeates all that we do. The learning structure is based on 3 strands of learning:
Knowledge and Understanding (seeking truth)
This strand develops knowledge and understanding of the key practices and beliefs of Christian communities, both past and present, in ways that connect to and challenge the contemporary cultural context.
Reasoning and Responding (making meaning)
This strand focuses on the development of particular ways of thinking and acting that arise out of grappling with what it means to be a follower of Christ.
Personal Communal Engagement (living story)
This strand draws on a Catholic understanding of the sacramental life, where the sacred is encountered in the ordinary. Learners grow into a sense of self as loved and loving, reflecting on ‘who I am’ and ‘how I am’ in relationship with others.
The content of the learning in the framework is organised through five areas:
Jesus and Scripture
Church and Community
God, Religion and Life
Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament
Morality and Justice